Cosmidelic Productions was created by Marc Marcel and Brian Flaccus, and focuses on material geared to bring thoughtful content through humor, drama, and mind-bending production.
Marc Marcel is a world-renown writer, producer, and spoken word artist. The author of, ‘The Book that Doesn’t Even Matter,’ a philosophy on the meaning of life, he has performed at Harvard, Yale, the 2009 Presidential Inaugural Peace Ball for President Obama and the Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar for the US Military. Marc was inspired to create Gurus in the fall of 2013, and continues to produce, animate, write and voice characters the show.
Brian Flaccus is an actor, writer, and producer, who graduated cum laude with a degree in linguistics from the University of Arizona. He has appeared in several films and TV shows, while lending his talents to voicing many characters on Gurus. Brian helped to co-found Gurus in the fall of 2013, and continues to produce and voice characters for the show.