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Running Time:  23 Minute Episodes
Genre: Metaphysical, Drama

Style: 4K Camera

A half-hour dramedy that takes viewers on a whimsical yet profound journey into the world of a unique office of psychedelic therapists. The show centers around three extraordinary individuals: Sigrid, a compassionate death doula; Dr. Mechim, a quirky mushroom therapist; and Xotil, an enigmatic ethnobotanist and shaman. This unconventional team specializes in groundbreaking therapies, using newly legalized psychedelic modalities to assist veterans coping with PTSD, cancer patients facing the end of life, and more. They aim to explore uncharted dimensions of healing and consciousness, pushing the boundaries of traditional therapy.  However, the team faces a series of challenges. The office is acquired by an aggressive new investor who struggles to grasp the true essence of their work, leading to humorous clashes of perspectives. They also grapple with ever-changing legislation and societal resistance against psychedelic therapies.  As the story unfolds, the therapists venture into otherworldly realms with their patients, ultimately discovering a surreal and existential threat to human reality.  An inter-dimensional being named "Mancor of the Machine Elves" aims to infiltrate and dominate the human subconscious, and the therapists' work becomes a direct obstacle to this nefarious plan. "Psychonauts" combines humor, heart felt (and very real) therapies, and cosmic adventure as it explores the profound potential of psychedelic therapy and its ability to safeguard the very essence of human consciousness.

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